How to analyze the GitHub page of a crypto project? Detailed breakdown with examples.

Crypto Analysis
3 min readOct 12, 2022


In this article, we’ll take a look at the last important evaluation parameter, called GitHub.

We’ll look at why you need to analyze the GitHub page, and also on the example of several projects, I’ll show you my evaluation methodology.

So, what is GitHub, and why do you need to pay attention to it?

In simple words, GitHub is a service where open or closed source code of any IT project is stored, not necessarily related to cryptocurrency. These codes are stored in files, and the files are stored in repositories.

And any user can use these codes as they see fit — develop, optimize, test, and so on.

Most of the registered users of GitHub are beginners or professional programmers. Also, in recent years, the share of testers and multiaccers from the crypto industry has increased.

So what information from GitHub is valuable to us?

We will look at the following parameters:

  1. Number of repositories
  2. Number of activities (i.e., changes) in the repositories
  3. The number of public people subscribed to the project

By checking these parametrs we will be able to roughly see how active the project is in technological development, which is supposed to indicate the seriousness of the team’s current and future intentions.

If the project has a lot of repositories, most of them change quite often, plus there are a lot of public people subscribed to the project, we can conclude that the team is actively developing code and most likely plans to develop further.

Of course, team can turn these parameters up, but taken together with all the steps of our analysis, this action will not greatly affect the result.

Let’s move on to examples.

The first project I want to show you is blockchain Near.

For that let’s go to its GitHub page. I want to notice that it is always better to follow the link from the project’s official site.

Here we see that the project has 160 repositories.

Below are 10 of them, with the most active development. In this example, changes are made very often, from a few minutes to a few hours.

Also on the project is signed by a fairly large number of public people, which is a big and bold plus.

In general, such a GitHub page can be considered an excellent indicator in the fundamental analysis. Personally, I give such pages a score of three out of three possible.

Now let’s consider another example, the Ceramic Network project.

Let’s go to its GitHub page. Here we see 39 repositories, and ten of them are active from a few hours to a few months. Two public people and one sponsor have signed up.

The scores are pretty good, but due to the small number of subscribers and not so extremely high activity, I give it a score of two.

The next project is dYmension.

Let’s go to his GitHub page. The project has 8 repositories, with not a bad frequency of changes. But it does not have any subscribers. On the whole, there is a page, there is quite active development going on and no one is subscribed. I give this kind of page one point.

There are also projects that have no GitHub page or it is just empty.

This may be due to the fact that development has not yet begun, or that the project is closed development. It is also possible that such a project will be scammed, but this fact can be confirmed by a full-fledged analysis, the steps of which you can read in my other articles.

Here we have made an analysis of GitHub pages of various projects, where I have clearly showed my methodology of estimation.

In addition, I would like to say that I recommend you to enter and save all the stages of analysis into a table in Excel, so that you could return and find the project you have analyzed earlier if you need, without wasting time on its analysis again.

You can download an example of such a table in my Telegram channel.

Subscribe to my Telegram channel, as well as Youtube channel, where you will find a lot of useful information to analyze crypto projects.

